Posted on March 11, 2016
The Ghost Inside drummer, Andrew Tkaczyk, rocks his rehabilitation with ‘Dr. Drums’ Bloom
During the 5 weeks Andrew Tkaczyk was an inpatient at Mary Free Bed, he developed a bond of trust with his doctor, not only because of his medical care but through their mutual passion for drumming. And now “Dr. Beats” – Andrew’s nickname – and “Dr. Drums,” aka Dr. Stephen Bloom, are working together with a team of specialists to get him back behind the kit.
Andrew, 28, is the drummer for Los Angeles-based metalcore band The Ghost Inside, whose tour bus was involved in a severe crash with a semi-tractor trailer last November outside of El Paso, Texas.
The drivers of both vehicles were killed, and, months later, Andrew and his bandmates are still recovering from traumatic injuries.
Andrew sustained head trauma and fractures to his spine, ribs and hip. A dislocated right shoulder led to severe nerve damage and his right leg had to be amputated above the knee.
Since he graduated from Mary Free Bed’s inpatient program, Andrew has been traveling from his Charlotte, Mich., home for outpatient rehabilitation.
Mary Free Bed videographer Eric Miller is documenting Andrew’s road to recovery, and, in the video above, Dr. Bloom discusses how drums will play a big part in that.
Learn more about Andrew’s incredible journey:
Video: Andrew’s inpatient recovery at Mary Free Bed
Blog: The Ghost Inside drummer develops bond with Dr. Bloom on rehabilitation journey
News story: “Charlotte drummer faces long road back from devastating crash” by Lansing State Journal