Posted on September 28, 2022

We Have a Little Faith! Mary Free Bed Welcomes Second Animal-Assisted Therapy Dog

Our newest team member gives patients a gentle nudge on their road to recovery

Faith, a 3-year-old golden retriever is joining Vandy, Mary Free Bed’s current facility dog, to help restore hope and freedom through rehabilitation.

Both Vandy and Faith are trained Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) dogs who work to help patients meet rehabilitation goals and restore independence. Vandy, who joined the Mary Free Bed team in 2017, is a 7-year-old Labrador retriever now helping to train Faith as she starts her new role at Mary Free Bed.

Vandy and Faith come from Paws With A Cause (PAWS), a national non-profit organization based in Wayland, Michigan. Both dogs spent two years of intense training to become certified AAT dogs. All the food, toys and equipment Vandy and Faith need are generously donated by Pet Supplies Plus.

“We are so excited to continue our partnership with Mary Free Bed. As a member of the Mary Free Bed Guild, I have a strong connection to the life-changing work that takes place in the rehabilitation center. With similar missions, it only makes sense for PAWS and Mary Free Bed to continue joining forces to empower patients and families in need of extra support. The placement of any PAWS Dog goes far beyond their cute and fluffy exterior. Our staff intentionally selected and custom-trained Faith to accompany Vandy. Her personality and working drive matched the needs of the hospital. After many months of training, we know Faith will make a fantastic addition to the Mary Free Bed team.” –  Michele Suchovsky, CEO, Paws With A Cause

Unlike assistance dogs that serve only one person, Vandy and Faith are trained facility dogs who work with a trainer or handlers in one location to serve multiple people in a variety of ways.

“Vandy and Faith motivate and encourage patients to open up in ways they otherwise wouldn’t,” said Maria Besta, manager of Mary Free Bed’s recreational therapy department. “Their presence alone can lift the spirits of patients who need some encouragement to keep going. They help patients reach rehabilitation goals and provide a little extra hope.”

Vandy and Faith are supervised by recreational therapists who receive specialty training in animal-assisted therapy. They are considered full-time employees and work with up to five patients a day of all ages and abilities. Vandy and Faith work specifically with recreational therapists but may co-treat with other therapists for physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy on a variety of tasks designed to help patients improve fine and gross motor skills, mobility and endurance as well as cognitive functions and emotional well-being.

They encourage patients to walk a little farther and sit up independently. Patients in speech therapy give verbal commands, while others improve strength by brushing the dogs or throwing a ball. Vandy even plays cards with patients working on hand dexterity!

Faith comes to Mary Free Bed from the big heart and generosity of an anonymous donor. “Adding Faith to our team has been amazing,” Besta said. “An additional AAT dog allows us to provide more care to more patients in a way that humans can’t.”

As difficult as it is, Mary Free Bed employees, patients and visitors are asked not to pet Vandy and Faith without permission. They’re hard at work when at Mary Free Bed and should not be distracted because unnecessary contact can result in deconditioning of their behaviors.

Since 1979 Paws With A Cause® (PAWS®) has placed more than 3,100 custom-trained assistance dogs to enhance the independence and quality of life for people with disabilities nationally. Accredited by Assistance Dogs International and a recipient of Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star rating, PAWS® increases awareness of the rights and roles of assistance dog teams through education and advocacy. PAWS® clients pay no fee to receive their assistance dog. Funding is received through the generosity of donors who support the organization’s mission.

We also hosted a “Paws Confurence” at the hospital announcing Faith! Watch the Facebook Live video here.