Posted on July 26, 2024

Celebrating National Disability Independence Day with Ms. Wheelchair Michigan

On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. Thirty-four years later, we celebrate this milestone as National Disability Independence Day, honoring a piece of legislation that has significantly advanced equality and empowered millions with disabilities. A significant purpose of the ADA is to ensure access to public spaces, employment opportunities, and services for people with disabilities. 

For many, this day is profoundly significant, including 2024 Ms. Wheelchair Michigan, Shanta Favors. 

Shanta Favors, from Taylor, Michigan, is an advocate with a compelling story. Her life changed dramatically after a 2018 workplace spinal cord injury. At the time, she was a health care facility director. Her life-altering experience transformed her into a passionate voice for disability care and the well-being of caretakers. 

“The ADA is the embodiment of progress and accessibility,” says Favors. “It’s a bridge between the pioneering spirit of technology and the relentless pursuit of human dignity, ensuring that no one is left behind on the road to innovation.” 

Since being crowned Ms. Wheelchair Michigan last fall, Shanta has engaged with key legislators, disability rights groups, and healthcare professionals, working ambitiously to bridge the gap between caretakers and the disability community. 

Shanta emphasizes that the ADA is not only about accessibility but also about equality, respect, and human decency.  

“The reality is we will all meet disability someday, for it is a natural part of the human experience,” she states. 

This August, Shanta, along with 23 other women wheelchair users from across the country, will compete for the title of Ms. Wheelchair America in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. Each contestant will advocate for a platform issue during the week-long event. 

Ms. Michigan’s platform focuses on ensuring that caregivers for those with disabilities receive the recognition and compensation they deserve. Shanta is dedicated to amplifying their often-unheard voices, aiming to “fulfill the ADA’s promise by ensuring that both caregivers and those of us they serve have the support we need.” 

shanta favors holding ADA booklet at event

Learn more about Shana’s platform here and about Ms. Wheelchair America here. 

Ms. Wheelchair America is proudly supported by the Mary Free Bed Guild. Since 1891, the women of the Mary Free Bed Guild have been dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities, uniting with the mission of Ms. Wheelchair America and its participants.