Posted on August 14, 2015

Little Abby decides to “give back” to MFB Pediatric Patients

Guest Blog by Shannon Almassian (Abby Almassian’s mother)

Abby’s birthday theme was “Giving is Good.” She decided to donate to Mary Free Bed because she wanted the kids (in the inpatient pediatric program) to know other kids care and hope they would feel what comfort a stuffed animal can bring. She and her friends picked out every single animal with thoughtfulness on how it would feel when being hugged.

The girls worked for hours on the blankets and shared with each other what the patient might like the best about each pattern.

We are trying to raise mindful children and give back whenever we can. It was a successful birthday party and the girls felt the pride in making another child happy!

We will definitely do something like this again.

Remember…Giving is Good!
