We designed our Day Rehab program to conveniently meet your need for intensive rehabilitation in an outpatient setting. Instead of coming to the hospital multiple times for individual services, we schedule your therapies during a morning or afternoon. You continue your recovery without complicating your calendar.
If you’ve been diagnosed with one of the following conditions in the past three months, Day Rehab may be appropriate:
A physician specialized in rehabilitation medicine will direct your treatment. Depending on your needs, your team may also include:
There are weekly conferences to discuss your progress and identify if additional services are needed.
Family support
Your family and friends are an important part of your recovery. We provide education and support to caregivers to help them understand your condition and needs, so you can regain as much independence as possible.
We encourage your family members to engage in therapy, when appropriate. Please have a caregiver attend sessions and remain on site to help you with any health or personal tasks, such as taking medications or using the restroom.
After an initial evaluation, your team members will collaborate with you to create your treatment plan. Rehabilitation schedules often include four-hour blocks. Therapy occurs for three hours with one hour left open to rest, interact with a rehabilitation nurse or explore other rehabilitation resources.